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Making the Decision

Jennifer Stafford

Making the decision to go and tell a stranger about your struggles in life is a very difficult one, especially for people that historically feel like they can manage on their own or with the gentle guidance of family and friends. I hear it all the time, who wants to tell a stranger their business and isn’t therapy for “crazy,” people?!

When you are unable to experience relief from what has been bothering you after countless discussions with everyone you know, what do you have to lose from talking to the right trained professional about how you can become “unstuck?” Not only is the conversation confidential by law, but the right therapist can provide you with the push needed to experience your life differently. It is not necessary for anyone to sit and sink in their unpleasant feelings of severe sadness or unbearable hurt. It is a waste of your precious energy to stay at a crossroad for months or sometimes years, trying to figure out different ways to avoid the unavoidable. It takes courage.

The word courage can intimidate people. There are times when people refuse to accept their courage or struggle to acknowledge that figuring out how to be “happy,” in life starts with them thinking courageously. Choosing to be happy is one of the most courageous choices we can make in life, especially when it feels impossible to find joy in anything. I am not saying this is an easy road to choose, I am saying this is a possible road and with tenacity a very difficult yet doable commitment to make to oneself.

Making the decision to liberate yourself from the mental clutter that has built up over the years takes determination. It takes breaking old patterns, creating new ones and being compassionate towards yourself while doing so. Again, if you find yourself unhappy and telling your best friend, partner or close family member the same or a similar story month after month (or year after year) that is an indicator that something needs to change. Tap into your courage and see where it leads you. Talking to someone that knows how to guide you towards holding yourself accountable for your happiness couldn’t hurt, it might be uncomfortable, but just at first.


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