Ivy Relationship Consultants, Inc.
Mental Health Choreographers
Hypnosis is a natural resting state - a state of deep relaxation and calm.
Tension is created and stored in the subconscious of our bodies when we have painful or unpleasant emotional experiences. The emotional release component of Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy supports the release of tension that remains in the body after unpleasant or traumatic experiences. The releasing of repressed emotion, often shame, fear and guilt, allows for deeper emotional healing to take place. There is an inner child in each of us that requires some sort of emotional healing.
When in a hypnotic state, the subconscious, is more receptive and open to healing thoughts that nurture us and encourage us to achieve our goals and dreams. Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy has been shown to be a highly effective modality of therapy for those open and ready to heal from traumatic childhoods and/or experiences, make positive life changes and seek tools to help and improve internal self-navigation.
During hypnosis, the subconscious is immediately and directly accessible. When we are fully conscious, it is not. Affirmative meditation, imagery and healing suggestions implanted during our Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy sessions have more influence because they go directly into the subconscious, encouraging constructive beliefs, attitudes, and actions in support of what is desired. This can be a painful yet very powerful process.
In our work together you learn how to replace unhelpful ways of thinking, feeling, acting and relating to yourself. By doing the work you do with me in session and completing any homework assigned, you can resolve your negative mental blocks and past emotional conditioning. Replacing unhelpful and wounded ways of relating to self with healthier more compassionate behavior supports us in treatment goal attainment.
Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy Benefits:
Stress Management
Healing from Trauma
Developing Confidence
Increasing Self-Esteem and
Enhancing Self-Compassion Practices
current clients
self-awareness package
self-compassion package
self-healing package
Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.
Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy sessions are available to individuals already engaged in psychotherapy and want to go deeper in your treatment or desire more self-knowledge in your own healing journey.
Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy Session
Available to existing clients, the Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy session is a very intense session that goes very deep. In one heart centered hypnotherapy session, we can dig into what may take 7-10 regular psychotherapy sessions to access. Session includes one 90 min. hypnotherapy session.
Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy Intensive
Open to all, there are times when we come up against resistance when working through trauma releasing and emotional healing. Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy quiets the mind so that we can feel our hearts speak. Available to individuals actively and openly engaging in some form of self-healing, a hypnotherapy intensive may be what you've been looking for to feel the fruits of your therapeutic labor in sessions with your therapist. This intensive includes two 60 min. psychotherapy sessions and one 90 min. hypnotherapy session.
Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy Self-Awareness Package
Are you looking to reconnect with yourself? Would you like to gain more knowledge about yourself and how you came to operate as you do? When we increase our awareness about ourselves it can be incredibly empowering. Open yourself up to your own inner power. With an evidenced based approach, this package includes two Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy sessions and six psychotherapy sessions, spread throughout eight weeks.
Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy Self-Compassion Package
Is too much tough love tainting your perception of yourself? Our brains learn best when our stress responses are not activated, learn to use self-compassion as a tool to experience a more fulfilling life. Learn how to hold yourself accountable for how you show up in life without punishing yourself. Be courageous and choose yourself, this package includes 10 powerful sessions including two Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy sessions, spread throughout ten weeks.
Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy Self-Healing Package
This package is for those that have already opened themselves up to their inner world of healing from trauma and emotional wounds. This is for individuals that understand that healing is not linear and that in order to let go and surrender we must access trust. Get in touch with your essence and intuition with this package. Packed with the healing push of 13 sessions including three Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy sessions, this package requires unconditional commitment to self. Inquire within if you'd like to select this journey, spread throughout thirteen weeks.
All fees are payable in full at the time of service. Payment may be made in cash, check or by using a credit or debit card.