"You are born to move with grace, born to embrace novelty and variety, born to crave wide-open spaces, and above all, born to love." - John J. Ratey
It is by grace that creation is birthed.
We are creation, that which is created is creation. All that is made of matter, is enveloped in the energy of grace. Grace and gratitude can become overpowered by strategy and greed when the human intellect expands beyond basic needs.
We were once no plan, just process. We were once, more grace and less strategy. We used to exist in more gratitude and less in the desire for more than meets our needs in the moment (greed).
The energy of grace holds the space for the animal and the divine. The human. The matter and the magical, both dance together in a delicate delivery of being.
Grace is the lover of gratitude while compassion pleases with patience.
The words that we speak and the thoughts that we think reflect in our lives.
They say...thoughts make a good servant, but a poor master.
Mastering oneself takes the patience of grace-filled language and the practice of gratitude.
When the judgment appears, we simply acknowledge it and the judging thought loses its power over us.
We become the witness, the one who knows --we become the one that sees how we construct our view of the world with our stories.
Remember to remember grace. It feeds our awareness and fuels our experiences of freedom.
It is the gift that never ceases giving.