Life change requires growth or some sort of expansion internally. Either we grow our knowledge base or expand and enhance our perspectives. To experience change in our lives we must change how we operate ourselves in life. Does this make sense?
If the default "home," location on the GPS is your old address, how will you ever get to your new destination?
We must input the new address manually.
Operating oneself more effectively requires manual labor within the thinking part of the brain. Did you know that the brain was central to how we operate?
It is our human command center.
Unfortunately, there are some significant details about how our brains work that somehow get overlooked in everyday conversation.
Why would one find comfort in being disappointed over and over and over again? How could someone be comfortable with allowing fear to make all of their decisions in life? They would not and they are not. They are familiar with operating themselves in a certain way and it became a deeply ingrained habit. Did you know most of what we do as humans is habitual?
Our brain learns how to dance with the information we are exposed to while growing up. After a while, it just follows the fate of where we have been and what we have done. Have you ever thought about what you were exposed to as a child? What about how that exposure impacts you now? In an effort to support us, by way of automating our processing, our brain creates a framework to guide us toward survival in our early environments. It only does what it has been trained to do. We know and do what we have been exposed to, doing anything else requires our manual participation. Some people call it a conscious participation.
Consequently, when it comes to making internal changes there seems to be a discrepancy in proclaimed desire and executed action. Many of us struggle with it, oftentimes it is referred to as a lack of motivation. For some reason the experience of continued unpleasantness is not reason enough to maintain self-motivation to make desired changes.
Initially, our default way of operating typically overrides any new way of navigating. Our desire to experience life differently should be our guiding force when it comes to consistently working on making life changes. In order to prevail we have to be consistent in our efforts to diligently do something different.
Session after session, I strategize with clients on how they can set themselves up for success as they strive to operate optimally. It takes patience with oneself. Lots and lots of patience. It takes stamina and determination to make a change in life. It takes you believing that you are worth it and trusting that your belief in yourself is enough of a reason to maintain your motivation.
If proactively choosing what is best for you is a new practice, you will have to teach your brain how to dance with this new way of operating.
Have you ever thought about how you operate and if whether or not your operation is a menace to your well-being?